Reseller Hosting For Business

Reseller Hosting For Business

The growth of internet and websites becomes interesting fact to see. Of course, it is also interesting since it provides chance for business. Right now, there are many people who build a business by taking advantage of this growth. They establish a company and become the reseller hosting for business. It is not simple business to run, but these are quite interesting to do since there are great markets and there will always be persons, institutions, and companies who need to make a websites and the supporting services.

The Steps to Become Reseller Hosting For Business

Hosting resellers become the promising business. The trends give great opportunity to start and develop it. However, as the other businesses, it cannot be done randomly. There should be some steps to begin the business, and it is not as simple as buying stuff in the store. In case you are interested to this business and want to become reseller, these basic steps can give you insights.

  1. Find the best reseller hosting plan

Basically, the business is like reselling products that you have bought from a store. You divide the product into some segments and divisions, then you make your own price that will give you profit. These are how the business basically works. Because of this, it is important to find the best reseller hosting plans. There are plenty of hosts providing chances for resellers, but you must be selective.

Of course, the easy way is to find the review and recommendations. These will give you some alternative. After that, these alternatives can be studied and analyzed to get the final choice. As the additional advice, it is important to avoid the lowest package of hosting plans. There will be many kinds of package, and at least you buy the medium or high type of package in order to get better benefits.

  • Make your own effective hosting plan

Once you already get the products, it is time to prepare your own store. It is quite tricky since you should be able to provide interesting products that will make your buyers interested. In case of hosting, you should be able to arrange the effective hosting plan. This can be difficult when you have no reference. That is why it is good to take some examples.

Then, it is good when you are able to know what the markets want. Since they are your target, you should know what they need to have in their website. By doing these considerations, it is easier to win the market. These will be helpful to find the great hosting plans.

  • Promoting the business

Once you get the products and get ready to sell them, it is time to promote and brand your business. Luckily, it is not a big problem. Even, there are many facilities that can be used easily. Some sources also provide the free access for the ads and promotion.

Of course, it is also possible to use your social media and network to spread the news and ads. You may make specific social media for rebranding your business. There are many ways and it is better to start by using the free services. 

Those are some basic steps and tips for you who want to start business as hosting reseller. It is promising business. However, it needs your good skills and planning in all aspects, so the business can run well and bring you profits.


How to Prevent Spam Email

Email has become one of the communication ways. When it deals with documents and other formal purposes, emails are chosen. However, it can be annoying to check the email and find some spam emails. These kinds of email do not have any functions for you, and there is no useful information to obtain. Even, some of emails contain some malwares or other problems that will harm your device. Therefore, there are many people looking for how to prevent spam email.

Some Solutions to Prevent Spam Emails

Luckily, you are not the only one who gets the spam emails. Many email users also get the junk email and they are getting annoyed. That’s why there are many people looking for the solution and fortunately there are some ways to do so. These can give you important information that will make you free from spam emails. Although it may not fully remove the junks, at least the numbers will be decreased and reduced.

  1. Setting your email account

Most of the email providers already develop better filters and mechanism to block or prevent the emails. Some also provide different tabs for various types of emails, starting from personal emails, business, and advertisements. These kinds of menu can be accessed in the setting. Each provider may have different name of menu, but they have similar functions.

In this case, you can choose the specific setting and adjustment in order to manage the spam emails. Certain filters may also be made and these can be customized. By doing this, the email will be able to detect and prevent the spam emails entering the main inbox.

  • Unsubscribe some commercial sites

Some of the spam emails are about the advertisement and promos from various kinds of e-commerce and commercial sites. Actually, you are the one who make the sites sending you various emails. In case you no longer need the emails and notifications, it is recommended to unsubscribe. These will decrease the amounts of ads emails in your inbox.

In order to do this, you can open the email and go to the website. In the commercial sites, you can check your account or setting. There will be menu to stop receiving notification and email. For the further prevention, it is better to never give access for the email notification.

  • Stop spreading and filling email address

It is common to share your email address. There can be many places, including your social media. These can be sources of the spam emails. It is because those who send the spam emails collect the data from open sources, including your social media and other sites where you include or insert email.

  • Use software to block the spam email

Then, the last solution is to download app or software to block the spam emails. There are many kinds of applications to choose. In this case, it is recommended to choose the trusted software and download it from the official websites. When you do things randomly, it may only give worse problems.

Those are some solutions to prevent and avoid spam emails in your inbox. Basically, it is not big problem to deal with. There have been various solutions. Then, as prevention, it is important to be careful in sharing email in public forum or sites.  


How to Improve the Web Hosting Page Loading

Owning a website that takes a long time to load is quite frustrating, especially when the website should be the one visited by a lot of people every day. Internet users do not like websites that take ages to load. If the page does not load in a few seconds, most likely they will close the page and move on to other sites. You do not want this problem to happen on your website.

Simple Ways to Boost the Loading Time on Your Website

So, how to avoid a website from slow loading? Thankfully, there are basically a lot of things that you can do to boost the loading time of the website. Most of them are very simple and you can do it so easily. Find out how to make sure that the website of yours is going to load fast down below and surely you can get more visitors day by day.

  1. Choose the Right Web Hosting

The first, and most important, thing you have to do to improve the speed of the page loading is choosing the right web hosting. A professional and well-established web hosting has numerous features to boost the loading page. If you are using their service, there is no doubt that your website is going to load quickly and please the visitor. This is why a good and reliable web hosting service.

  • Resize the Image

There is no point of attaching super HD images on your website. They are massive in size and takes ages to load, even when you already use a strong and reliable web hosting. Use a small to medium sized images. As long as they are vivid enough and not blurry, they are good to go on the website. Try to resize big images on the website to make sure that they can be loaded fast enough.

  • Enable Browser Caching

The browser cache is going to save time on the page loading, especially for the visitors who go to the website multiple times. By enabling the browser caching, the essential parts of the websites, including images and videos are stored on the browser. Next time the visitors go back to the site, the page will load so quickly because parts of them have already loaded and stored on the browser.

  • Avoid Using Unnecessary Plugins

Completing a website with plugins is fun, indeed. However, they can surely add the page loading time. This is the time for you to be wise. Make sure that you do not fill up the website with unnecessary plugins that may slow down the loading page. The plugins will probably entertain the visitors. However, remember that most visitors most likely to fly away when the page is slow to load.

By owning a website with fast loading speed, the website is surely going to be visited by a lot of people and the benefits you get from the website is going to be bigger. In order to make sure that you can make a lot of money out of your website, do all those tips above to keep the loading speed fast and satisfying.


Importance of Email in Web Hosting

Website, email, and hosting are things that are always closely related to internet. You can create website with tons of contents. After that, they are stored in hosting provider in order to let users access and view it. To communicate between users and web creator, email is good option particularly for formal and official business. Even though chatting seems to be the fastest way, email is the most reliable method. Several importance of email in web hosting will be explored in the following sections.

More about Email and Web Hosting

Most internet users have email from major providers that give free email service. In general, this kind of email is for personal usage. On the other side, providers expand their offer to reach business’s needs and large-scale operation. Those emails are specifically for communication.

  1. Custom name

You have two ways to obtain email from web hosting. Firstly, the email is from separate provider which means your hosting does not give email service. As solution, you rely on service mentioned above for email and communication. Unfortunately, the email name does not reflect your website. To overcome this situation, you should consider relying on web hosting and the custom name. As usual, email will have website name and customers can recognize that the email comes from official source.

  • Legit, legitimate, and legal

Next reason is legal aspect. If your website is e-commerce, email is the key in communication support. You cannot rely on free service, particularly without custom name. The business will look extremely bad in customer’s eyes. Instead of more order, your business is questionable and lack of reliability. That’s why most legit businesses need email from hosting. The websites and email are in one package that’s related each other. Therefore, the website is official tool to make the business to be legal.

  • Business feature

Free service has limited feature. For example, you cannot send many emails to customers quickly unless you do it in manual way. Business features are the factors that cannot be ignored after being legal aspect. Each email has different subdomain to represent business section. Customers send email based on issue or thing they need.

  • Big storage

Small business still needs extra space to make sure all emails are in the right place. You need more storage to handle excess emails from anywhere. This is why email is important in web hosting. Free service only provides what’s necessary for personal usage. You may order business feature with additional storage.

  • Premium service

Premium service means the thing that’s only available as email in web hosting. You still receive the basic features, but premium one has better support. Some providers divide their services into several categories based on the capability. In web hosting, you can separate and put customers in different level based on the product they purchase.

Email changes the way people send letter. For formal and official communication, email is inseparable thing to obtain. As web owner, email shows what capability you provide. Legit email in web hosting creates confident atmosphere. Those things are important in business.


Creating Website Using WordPress

Websites have become great trends nowadays. People use the sites for various functions. There are some people who use websites as the portal for them to share various contents and information. There are also people who have intention in making and developing the business. However, before doing all of these things, surely making the website becomes important jobs to do. As the solution, there is WordPress as one of service providers to help in creating websites.

Steps of Creating Website by Using WordPress for Beginners

Technologies have developed, and there is WordPress as service provider in creating website. It does not involve special skills in coding and programming since it is more about designing and using template. Regarding the basic steps, these are the details.

  1. Design the contents

As the first step, of course it is important to know the contents to provide in the website. It is like the soul and core of the website. It does not involve any practical skills, but it needs creativity. All contents can be made and it is more about personal preference.

  • Get the domain and hosting

In a website, there is what is called as the domain and hosting. Hosting is like the land and house of your website, while the domain is the address of your website. These two things are not separated and these are essential parts of the website.

For beginners, it is not necessary to get the paid domain and hosting. There are various providers offering free services for the website. These can be chosen as a good start. Of course, later the domain and hosting can be upgraded into the paid services that can provide more features to develop the website.

  • Go to the WordPress

Once the domain and hosting are done and ready, it is time to access the WordPress. Basically, wordpress provides some templates. It is based on the concept of blogs where everyone can create pages with different designs. However, the website will stand independently with different domain, so there is no title of “wordpress” anymore in the domain.

Mostly, the templates can be accessed for free. In order to access it, users have to make account and login to the website. After that, user will find the dashboard. It is like the backstage or the kitchen where the website is processed. No one can access the dashboard since it is authorized by the user who gets the account.

  • Start designing

After entering the dashboard, it is time to use the permalink and insert the domain or URL for the website. This is easy to do since the WordPress already sets all processes into sequences of steps and there are also information regarding the step.

After that, the website can be made. Templates are already available. The appearance can also be customized based on personal preference. Once the page is done, it is time to make content and try to publish it. All of these processes are conducted in dashboard. 

Those are the long processes to make website. Basically, it is not too difficult because WordPress already gives the complete details of steps and explanations about it. This will be helpful for beginners who are still trying to understand how the website works and try to make it.