Websites have become great trends nowadays. People use the sites for various functions. There are some people who use websites as the portal for them to share various contents and information. There are also people who have intention in making and developing the business. However, before doing all of these things, surely making the website becomes important jobs to do. As the solution, there is WordPress as one of service providers to help in creating websites.
Steps of Creating Website by Using WordPress for Beginners
Technologies have developed, and there is WordPress as service provider in creating website. It does not involve special skills in coding and programming since it is more about designing and using template. Regarding the basic steps, these are the details.
- Design the contents
As the first step, of course it is important to know the contents to provide in the website. It is like the soul and core of the website. It does not involve any practical skills, but it needs creativity. All contents can be made and it is more about personal preference.
- Get the domain and hosting
In a website, there is what is called as the domain and hosting. Hosting is like the land and house of your website, while the domain is the address of your website. These two things are not separated and these are essential parts of the website.
For beginners, it is not necessary to get the paid domain and hosting. There are various providers offering free services for the website. These can be chosen as a good start. Of course, later the domain and hosting can be upgraded into the paid services that can provide more features to develop the website.
- Go to the WordPress
Once the domain and hosting are done and ready, it is time to access the WordPress. Basically, wordpress provides some templates. It is based on the concept of blogs where everyone can create pages with different designs. However, the website will stand independently with different domain, so there is no title of “wordpress” anymore in the domain.
Mostly, the templates can be accessed for free. In order to access it, users have to make account and login to the website. After that, user will find the dashboard. It is like the backstage or the kitchen where the website is processed. No one can access the dashboard since it is authorized by the user who gets the account.
- Start designing
After entering the dashboard, it is time to use the permalink and insert the domain or URL for the website. This is easy to do since the WordPress already sets all processes into sequences of steps and there are also information regarding the step.
After that, the website can be made. Templates are already available. The appearance can also be customized based on personal preference. Once the page is done, it is time to make content and try to publish it. All of these processes are conducted in dashboard.
Those are the long processes to make website. Basically, it is not too difficult because WordPress already gives the complete details of steps and explanations about it. This will be helpful for beginners who are still trying to understand how the website works and try to make it.